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Automatic CPR Simulator KM/CPR480S

Product Description:
The product combines the international CPR standard, and the product function is fully upgraded. Reinforce the importance of chest compression, in line with realistic clinical CPR operation requirements.
Functional features:
★Pupil using LCD screen simulation display, can simulate the pupil shrinkage, normal, dilated state; rescue state pupil dilation, rescue success after the pupil shrinkage to light emission recovery.
The simulator's upper limb joints can move freely. (Wrist and elbow joints can be flexed, extended and spread) model shoulder joints can do flexion and extension and ring turning movement, can practice patient handling.
★ Newly added pressing chest rebound insufficient detection, and voice prompts the user.
■ Simulate vital signs:
1) In the initial state; no carotid artery pulsation, and the pupils of the simulator are dilated.
(2) During compression; the carotid artery of the simulator is passively pulsating, and the pulsation frequency is consistent with the compression frequency.
(3) After successful resuscitation; the carotid artery pulsates autonomously, the simulated person's pupil narrows, and the light reflex is restored.
■ Standard airway opening can be performed, and the indicator light is on after the airway is opened.
■ Artificial hand position chest compressions and artificial respiration can be performed.
■ When chest compressions are performed in the artificial hand position:
Dynamic barcode indicator shows the depth of compression: the correct depth of compression (5-6cm area) is shown by the barcode green light, the depth of compression is not enough (less than 5cm) by the barcode yellow, the depth of compression is too deep (more than 6cm) by the barcode red indicator moving dynamic feedback display CPR compression depth.
2, LCD counting and frequency display; detailed records of the specific causes of compression errors (press too large, press too small, press the wrong location and press the frequency of too fast, too slow, the correct number of times, etc.).
3、Language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed tips on the specific reasons for pressing errors, so that the trainer can be corrected in a timely manner.
★Artificial mouth-to-mouth breathing (blowing) when:
1、Dynamic barcode indicator to show the tidal volume: blowing into the tidal volume of the correct (500ml~600ml-1000ml) by the barcode green light, blowing into the tidal volume is too small or too large respectively by the barcode yellow or barcode red indicator moving dynamic feedback shows the degree of tidal volume; blowing into the stomach, the indicator light.
2, LCD counting display: a detailed record of the specific reasons for blowing errors (blowing too much, blowing insufficient, etc.);
3、Language prompts: Chinese voice prompts, detailed prompts blowing error specific reasons, so that the trainer timely correction.
★Pressure and artificial respiration ratio: 30:2 (single or double).
★ Operation cycle: effective 30 times compression and 2 times artificial blowing, 30:2 five cycle cycle CPR operation.
■ Three modes of operation: CPR training, simulation assessment and practical assessment can be carried out.
1) Mode 1: CPR training, can perform compression and blowing.
2) Mode 2: Mode assessment, in the specified time, according to the 2015 international CPR standards, the ratio of compression and blowing 30:2, to complete the 5 cycle operation, statistical data to play money scores, automatic scoring system.
(3) Mode 3: practical assessment, within the set time frame, according to the 2015 international CPR standards, complete the pre-set assessment standards. Teachers can set their own operation timeframe, number of cycles, statistical data to print the results.
CPR display function:
■ Electronic monitoring: electronic monitoring of airway opening and compression site, displaying the correct and incorrect times of artificial respiration and external cardiac compression.
■ Voice prompts: Chinese voice prompts throughout the training and assessment, can open and close the voice, adjustable volume.
■ Operation time can be set in seconds.
■ Operation frequency: 100-120 times / min.
★ Operation time: timing in seconds.
■ Checking pupil: narrowing and dilating contrast.
■ Power status: 220V power supply is used, and the output power is 12V after stabilizer regulator.
Printer function:
■ Printing of the operation process after the end of the operation can be selected, and the transcript printing can be selected as long printing (waveform graph results) or short printing (data results).
■ Report card content covers the operation mode, the number of times of pressing and blowing in each cycle of operation, the number of times of pressing correctly/wrongly, the reason and number of times of pressing incorrectly, the reason and number of times of blowing correctly/wrongly, the reason and number of times of blowing incorrectly, the setup time, the operation time and the assessment evaluation.

Material Characteristics: The simulated human face skin is guaranteed for three years without replacement. Face skin, neck skin, chest skin, hair, using imported thermoplastic elastomer mixed rubber material, by stainless steel feelers, high temperature injection molding machine and become, with accurate anatomical signs, feel real, skin color unity, beautiful appearance, durable, disinfection and cleaning is not deformed, easy to disassemble and replace and so on.

Standard configuration:
■ One advanced CPR simulator;
■ One advanced computer monitor;
■ Deluxe hand-pulled and pushed human body hard plastic box;
■ One resuscitation operating mat;
■ One box of disposable sterilized face mask (50 sheets/box);
■ One replaceable face skin;
■ Five exchangeable lung bladder devices;
■ Two rolls of thermal printing paper;
■ A set of product warranty card, certificate of conformity, instruction manual and first aid operation manual.
Dimension: 95*34*57cm, 23kgs.