Features :
1.CPR training:
1).Simulate standard open airway.
2).LCD counter display:The screen LCD display artificial respiration, external breast compression and pulse reaction.
3).Operation methods: (1).exercise operation;(2).examine operation.
4).Operating cycle of examine operation: one cycle includes five times of 30:2 ratio of compression and artificial respiration.
2.Carotid pulse.
3.Pupil teach: dilated pupil, normal pupil.
4.External ear canal flushing.
5.Oxygen inhalation, aerosol inhalation therapy.
6.Nasogastric surgery.
7.Gastric lavage.
8.Intramuscular injection.
9.Subcutaneous of the left arm.
10.Intravenous injection of the right arm.
11.Stoma care: gastrostomy, bladder stoma, Colostomy, ileal stoma.
12.Men and women genital interchangeable, catheterization, indwelling catheter and bladder irrigation.
13.Decubitus care: the congestion stage, ulcers stage.
14.Enema operation.
Optional accessories:
1.Blood pressure measurement arm.
Name: manager zheng
Add:qiaoqian industrial zone, liushi wenzhou, zhejiang,325600,china
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